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关键词言语理解 词汇语义预期 音乐经验 节奏加工 策略性加工
其他题名The Impact of Musical Expertise on Lexical Semantic Prediction in Speech Comprehension
中文摘要Long-term nonverbal musical training experience has been demonstrated totransfer its beneficial effect to the domain of speech processing, which is suggested tobe associated with the improved acoustic processing or the improved high-levelcognitive functions in musicians (relative to non-musicians). Although accumulatedlines of evidence have been provided on how music expertise promotes phonologicalprocessing, still little is known about the potential influence of musical expertise onhigher-level semantic processing. In the current research, we examined whethermusical expertise could enhance the mechanism of lexical semantic predicitiveprocessing during online speech comprehension, and how this enhancement effect (ifexsits) is related to the “acoustic processing improving mechanism” and the“cognitive processing improving mechanism”. The current study defined twoprocessing stages of lexical semantic prediction, that is, the process of forming lexicalprediction prior to the target nouns (at the pre-noun critical verbs), and the process ofintegrating the new bottom-up predicted target nouns with the preceding context afterits actual occurance (at the critical nouns). EEG technique was adopted to examine thebrain activities associated with lexical semantic prediction while musicians andnon-musicians were comprehending high/low predictable sentences. Study I was conducted in the quiet situations. Experiment 1 examined whethermusical expertise enhances lexical semantic prediction in the quiet listening condition;and meanwhile, in order to investigate the potential role of bottom-up acousticprocessing in the transfer effect of musical expertise on lexical semantic prediction,Experiment 1 also adopted a rhythm-priming paradigm (congruent/incongruent). Theresults showed that, at the critical verbs preceding the critical nouns, only musiciansshowed robust brain activities associated with the easiness of anticipating theupcoming nouns, while non-musicians showed brain activities associated with theeasiness of integrating the verbs themselves; this enhancement effect of lexical semantic prediction in musicians was stronger in the incongruent rhythm-primingcondition. These findings suggested that musical expertise improves lexical semanticpredictive processing in the quiet speech comprehension situation; this beneficialeffect is probably not the merely by-product of the promoted bottom-up acousticprocessing in musicians, but is more likely to be related to their strengthenedtop-down cognitive processing improving mechanism. Experiment 2 further examinedwhehther musical expertise promotes semantic processing system itself in thesituation of reading comprehension through the “generally promoted cognitiveprocessing improving mechanism”. The results showed that, as compared tonon-musicians, musicians demonstrated more delayed ERP effects related to lexicalanticipation of the target nouns, as well as more delayed and weaker facilitation effectof prior lexical prediction onto the integrative process of the target nouns. Thesefindings thus probably indicated a null effect of musical expertise on semanticprocessing itself in lexical semantic predictive processing in reading comprehensiondue to the generally promoted high-level cognitive processing improving mechanism. Study 2 was conducted in the noisy situations. Experiment 3 examined whethermusical expertise improves lexical semantic prediction in the noisy listening conditionin the same pool of participants (musicians and non-musicians) of Experiment 2. Theresults showed that, at the critical verbs, both musicians and non-musicians showedactivities associated with anticipating the forthcoming critical nouns with comparableonset latency, whereas such noun-anticipation effect was stronger in musicians (ascompared to non-musicians); at the critical nouns, the facilitation effect of lexicalprediction on noun integration occurred earlier and exhibited stronger effect size inmusicians relative to non-musicians. These findings suggested that, musical expertisemight specifically promote the processes of lexical semantic prediction in speechcomprehension (instead of reading comprehension); in the noisy listening condition,musical expertise improves the strength of lexical prediction as well as the integrationof new bottom-up input of the predicted nouns. Experiment 4 aimed at furtherexploring the reasons underlying the facilitation effect of musical expertise on lexicalsemantic prediction in noisy speech comprehension situation, thus replicatingexperiment 3 with an additive manipulation of the acoustic cues of low-frequencyrhythm of the target speech signals (i.e. with or without low-frequency envelopeexpansion). The results of EEG Experiment showed that, at the critical verbs,musicians exhibited earlier and stronger activities associated with lexical anticipationof the target nouns; at the critical nouns, musicians also demonstrated ealier andstronger facilitation effect of noun integration due to lexical prediction. Though boththe beharviral results of the pretest and the results of the EEG experiment showed that,musicians were more proficient in the processing of low-frequency rhythm expansioncues of the target speech signals (as compared to non-musicians), we did not find amediating effect of these low-frequency rhythm expansion cues on the online ERPeffects associated with lexical anticipation or its influence on noun integration amongthe two groups. The following bahaviroal experiment failed to show that musicalexpertise improves working memory updating speed as well as on non-verbal generalpredictions of visual sequences and auditory sequences. In summary, this dissertation suggested that, musical expertise promotes theprocesses of conducting lexical semantic prediction in speech comprehension; andmoreover, these enhancement effects of musical expertise on the processes of lexicalsemantic prediction were found to not purely result from musicinas’ potentialadvantage on bottom-up acoustic processing or general top-down cognitiveprocessing, instead, this transfer effect might be associated with the interactiveinfluence of these two mechanisms onto enhancing the efficiency of informationtransimission across the semantic-phonological-acoustic hierarchies during onlinelexical semantic prediction in the situations of speech comprehension.
英文摘要许多研究发现长期的音乐训练经验会促进听觉言语加工,这一迁移效应可能通过“声学促进”或“认知促进”途径实现。现有研究主要讨论了音乐经验对语音加工的影响,但对音乐经验是否会影响高级语义加工仍缺乏充分的回答。本论文探究了音乐经验是否促进言语理解中的词汇语义预期加工过程,以及(如果存在)这一迁移作用与“声学促进”和“认知促进”机制的关系。本研究将词汇预期加工分为预期形成阶段(名词前的动词处)和新词汇整合阶段(名词处),借助脑电技术考察了音乐家和非音乐家在理解高、低预期性语句时在这两个阶段与词汇预期加工相关的大脑活动。 研究一在安静条件下展开。实验 1 考察了音乐经验是否会促进安静言语理解中的词汇语义预期,同时采用节奏启动范式(一致、不一致)考察声学感知加工因素在其中的作用。结果发现,在动词处,仅在音乐家中观察到与名词预期形成相关的脑电活动,在非音乐家中观察到与整合动词本身相关的脑电活动;且音乐经验对词汇语义预期的促进作用在节奏不一致启动条件下更强。说明音乐经验会促进安静言语理解中的词汇预期形成过程,这并非仅仅是自下而上“声学促进”机制带来的副产品,而更可能与“认知促进”机制的参与有关。实验 2 检验了音乐经验是否会基于一般性的“认知促进”机制而影响阅读理解中的词汇语义预期。结果发现,音乐家的词汇预期形成及新词汇整合过程晚于、弱于非音乐家。这提示音乐经验可能不会通过一般性“认知促进”机制直接促进词汇语义预期系统本身。 研究二在噪声条件下展开。实验 3 考察了音乐经验是否会促进噪声言语理解中的词汇语义预期,并采用和实验 2 相同的被试以形成对照。结果发现,在动词处,对两组被试,在相似潜伏期上观察到了与预期形成相关的脑电活动,在音乐家中该效应更强;在名词处,在音乐家中观察到预期对新词汇整合的促进效应强于、早于非音乐家。这表明音乐经验特异性地促进了言语理解中的词汇语义预期,提升了噪声条件下预期的强度及预期对新词汇整合的促进效果。实验 4 检验了音乐经验对噪声言语理解中词汇预期的促进作用与“声学促进”及“认知促进”机制的关系,比实验 3 额外操纵了语音低频节奏的声学特征(增强、不增强)。结果发现,在动词处,在音乐家中观察到的预期形成相关脑电活动早于、强于非音乐家;在名词处,在音乐家中观察到的预期对新词汇整合的促进效应强于、早于非音乐家。尽管行为预实验和脑电实验都发现音乐家能更好地加工低频节奏增强因素,但对该声学因素的加工没有直接调节两组被试的词汇语义预期加工过程。后测实验发现音乐经验没有提升实验 4 中音乐家被试的工作记忆更新速度和一般性序列预期能力。 综上所述,本论文揭示了音乐经验对听觉言语理解中的词汇语义预期加工具有促进作用,这并非仅仅通过 “声学促进”或一般性的“认知促进”(工作记忆和序列预期)机制单独的作用实现,而可能与二者共同作用于促进了言语理解的词汇预期中语义-音系-声学层级之间的信息互动效率有关。
GB/T 7714
郑苑仪. 音乐经验对言语理解中词汇语义预期加工的影响[D]. 中国科学院心理研究所. 中国科学院大学. 2022.

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