Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid


作者王葵; 刘爽爽
关键词进食障碍 求瘦意愿 体像 身体知觉 青少年
其他题名Body perception among patients with eating disorders and individuals with the desire for thinness
中文摘要Eating disorders are severe mental disorders which are characterized by persistent disturbances in eating or eating-related behaviors. Anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) are two common subtypes of eating disorders. Patients with AN or BN are often obsessed with and overvalue weight and body shape, accompanied by distorted body perception. Previous studies have pointed out that patients with AN or BN often overestimated own body size which have been linked to one key symptom of eating disorder, namely fear of fat. A related question is how patients with AN or BN perceive the body of others. The answer to this question is important since it will shed light on whether abnormal visual processing also contributes to their distorted body image, over and above those could be explained by fear of fat. In addition, concerns about weight and body shape are not only existed in patients with eating disorders, many young females also wish to have a thinner body, while drive for thinness is an known risk factor for eating disorders. Thus, how those with the willingness to be thin perceive own and other's body? Do they have shared features with patients with eating disorders when perceiving own and other's body? The present study aimed to explore these issues. Study 1 aimed to investigate how patients with AN or BN perceive other's body by enrolling 34 patients with AN,15 patients with BN, and 56 matched healthy controls. Participants were asked to judge the height and weight (to calculate the estimated BMI) and to rate the attractiveness of 126 photo models (63 female and 63 male). Eating disorder symptomology were assessed by the self-reported Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire 6.0. The results showed that: (1) Compared with the healthy controls, patients with AN or BN provided significantly lower BMI estimates of the photo models, especially for female photo models; (2) The two patient groups rated the attractiveness of photo models lower than healthy controls did, and also tended to gave higher attractiveness ratings to thinner body and lower attractiveness ratings to heavier body than healthy controls; (3) The attractiveness ratings to photo models were positively correlated with participants' disordered eating symptomology. The findings suggested that patients with AN or BN may have abnormal visual body perception. The findings also showed that patients' preference for a thinner body is not limited to own body, namely thinness is a very important criterion for attractiveness rating of other's body. Drive for thinness is an known risk factor for eating disorders. In study 2, three experiments were designed to capture how female adolescents with the willingness to be thin perceive own and other's body. Experiment 1 aimed to explore whether their estimates to own and others' body size were accurate; Experiment 2 aimed to examine the relationship between their body size estimates and the severity of disordered eating symptomology; Experiment 3 aimed to study whether their features of body perception were temporally stable. Experiment 1 included the young females with the willingness to be thin(n=91) and their counterparts without such wish (n=88). Each participant was asked to use a rope to estimate the circumference of the arm, waist and thigh of themselves and their experimental female partner. The results showed that female adolescents with the willingness to be thin overestimated own and partner's body parts, which was similar to the findings previously reported among patients with eating disorders. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that (1) the estimates to experimental partner's body parts could significantly predict the estimates to own body parts, indicating that the overestimation of their own body parts could be partly explained by the abnormal visual perception process; (2) After controlling BMI and the estimates to experimental partner's body, their willingness to be thin could significantly predict the estimate to own body parts, indicating that the overestimation of own body parts was affected by body image attitude. Experiment 2 recruited 86 female adolescents with the willingness to be thin. Their disordered eating symptomology was assessed by the self-reported Eating Disorder Inventory. Experiment 2 repeated findings in Experiment 1,namely those young females with the willingness to be thin did overestimate own body size, and further revealed that the estimates to own waist was positively correlated with scores on Eating Disorder Inventory, indicating that the overestimation of own body size was related to disordered eating symptomology. Some of the participants (n=36) in Experiment 1 were invited to participate in Experiment 3 after four months二They completed the same experimental procedure as in Experiment 1 .It was found that the body size estimates to own and other's body had good temporal stability, indicating that body perception features of those at risk of eating disorders may be more trait-like than state-like. Additionally, majority of participants in the three experiments of Study 2 set an ideal weight in the underweight range. The current study found that patients with eating disorders and individuals with desire for thinness showed abnormal body perception, and suggested body perceptual features may be a cognitive marker to used in the early identification of eating disorders. Additionally, among Chinese female adolescents, the proportion with the willingness to be thin is high, and their desire to be thin is strong, which may endanger their physical and mental health if keep unwatched. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to body image and related problems among Chinese adolescents.
英文摘要进食障碍(Eating Disorders, ED)是一组以进食或进食相关行为的持续性紊乱为特征的严重精神障碍,神经性贪食症和神经性厌食症为两种常见亚型。这两类患者常表现出对体重和体型的过度关注,并伴随身体知觉扭曲。既往研究指向神经性厌食症患者和神经性贪食症患者常高估自己的身体尺寸,而且还将这种情况与怕胖这一进食障碍的典型特征联系在一起。然而,目前尚不清楚患者如何知觉他人的身体。研究这个问题有助于回答进食障碍患者高估自己的体型除了和怕胖有关,否还与异常的视觉过程有关。此外,对体重和体型的顾虑不仅出现在进食障碍患者身上,我国不少青少年女性都表现出强烈地求瘦愿望。而求瘦也是进食障碍的风险因子。那么,存在求瘦意愿的女性青少年如何知觉自己和他人的身体尺寸呢?她们在知觉身体尺寸的过程中是否表现出和进食障碍患者类似的特点?为此,本研究设计两个子研究,分别探讨上述问题。 研究一旨在考察进食障碍患者知觉他人身体尺寸的特点。该研究入组了34名神经性厌食症患者,15名神经性贪食症患者,以及56名匹配良好的健康对照。实验过程中让被试判断126张身体照片(男女各半)的身高、体重和吸引力。并使用进食障碍检查自评问卷考察患者的进食障碍症状。结果发现:C1)相较于健康对照组,两组患者对照片人物BMI估计值显著偏低,尤其是当照片模特为女性时;C2)两个患者组对图片人物吸引力的评分均较健康对照组低,且倾向于高估瘦身体的吸引力,低估重身体的吸引力;(3)对图片模特吸引力的评分和进食障碍症状有关。该研究结果表明神经性贪食症患者和神经性厌食症患者都可能存在对身体的视知觉加工异常。此外,本研究还揭示神经性贪食症患者和神经性厌食症患者对瘦身体的偏好不仅出现在对自己身体的认知上,对他人身体的认知上也将瘦作为吸引力评价的重要标准。 求瘦是进食障碍的风险因子。研究二采用三个实验来回答具有求瘦意愿的女性青少年知觉自己和他人身体尺寸的特点。实验一探讨她们对自己和他人身体部位的估计是否准确;实验二研究她们对身体部位大小的估计值和进食障碍症状之间的关联;实验三考察她们身体知觉的特点是否具有跨时间的稳定性。实验一纳入求瘦女性组(n=91)以及她们的同伴((n=88),任务中要求被试使用一条绳子估计自己和伙伴的手臂、腰部和大腿周长,结果发现求瘦组确实对自己和同伴的体型均存在高估,这个和既往在进食障碍群体中的发现是类似的。分层回归分析的结果表明(1)对同伴部位的估计能显著预测对自己身体部位的估计,表明该进食障碍风险群体对自己身体部位的高估可能部分与视知觉过程的异常有关;(2)在控制了BMI和对她人身体的估计值之后,求瘦意愿还能够显著预测对于自身身体部位的估计,表明这群进食障碍风险群体对于自己身体部位的高估也受到体像态度的影响。 实验二入组了86个具有求瘦意愿的青少年女性并让她们完成实验一的任务,使用进食障碍问卷评估了其进食障碍症状水平。实验二重复了实验一的发现一一存在求瘦意愿的被试高估了自己的身体部位。此外,该实验进一步发现求瘦群体对自己腰部周长的估计和进食障碍量表得分正相关,表明求瘦群体对自己身体的高估程度和进食障碍症状有关。 四个月之后,参与实验一的部分被试(n=36)参与实验三,完成与实验一相同的实验流程,结果发现被试体像知觉的特点具有稳定性,可能是一种特质性特征。此外,在研究二的三个实验中,我们均发现大多数青少年将理想BMI设置在低于健康水平的BMI范围内,这种倾向有可能对她们的身心健康带来实质性威胁。 本研究发现进食障碍患者及求瘦群体都可能表现出身体知觉异常,并提示将身体知觉特征作为进食障碍早期识别的认知标志物的可能性。此外,我国青少年女性群体中,求瘦群体占比高,求瘦意愿强,任其发展极有可能危害身心健康。因此,很有必要关注青少年的体像及相关问题。
GB/T 7714
王葵,刘爽爽. 进食障碍患者及求瘦群体身体知觉特点的研究[D]. 中国科学院心理研究所. 中国科学院大学. 2023.

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