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关键词隔离 心理痛苦 心理健康 攻击性 注意偏向
其他题名The Influence of Isolation Situation on Individual Psychological Pain, Aggression and Attentional Bias
中文摘要Psychological pain is a subjective, complex, introspective experience that comes from frustrated psychological needs and is characterized by the perception of negative changes in the self and its functions, accompanied by strong negative emotions.Psychological pain is often associated with a decline in mental health and is thought to be at the heart of the suicide process.During the COVID-19 outbreak, China adopted strict and effective isolation and epidemic prevention measures, which played a crucial role in containing the epidemic and protecting people's lives.At the same time, however, the physical and mental health of quarantined people is also of concern.Based on the tremendous social changes brought about by COVID-19, this paper focuses on the specific problems of psychological pain in isolation, combines qualitative and quantitative research, and applies in-depth interviews, scale evaluation, laboratory-induced aggressive behavior, implicit association test, cold pressure experiment, eye movement tracking technology and other means.The psychological pain and its influence on behavior and cognition of individuals in isolation situation were explored step by step.In study 1, participants who were quarantined(centralized isolation N = 18;home isolation N = 19)due to COVID-19 were interviewed in depth and analyzed based on grounded theory. The results confirmed widespread psychological pain among isolated persons.The causes of psychological pain include the influence of external environment and the frustration of internal psychological needs. Facing pain and avoiding pain are two main coping ways. The research constructs the generation and development model of individual psychological pain in isolation situation.The model focuses on psychological pain, attribution and coping style, showing the dynamic process of psychological pain in isolation, emphasizing that the choice of different coping style plays an important role in the development of psychological pain.In addition, segregation types and gender differences are also reflected in attribution and coping styles.Study 2 further examined the relationship between isolation experience and psychological pain, aggression, and physical pain indicators (pain threshold, tolerance).The psychache scale, 10-item tolerance for mental pain scale, Buss-Perry aggression questionnaire, laboratory-induced aggressive behavior test and implicit aggression test were used to measure isolated(centralized isolation N = 1;home isolation N = 21)and control subjects(N = 21) separately. The physical pain threshold and tolerance time were studied by cold pressure experiment.The results showed that there were significant differences in psychological pain and tolerance between the two groups.There was a significant positive correlation between psychological pain and tolerance of mental pain in the population. Multiple regression analysis found that individual aggression increased significantly with increased psychological pain, and those with higher tolerance to physical pain tended to exhibit higher levels of aggressive behavior.The purpose of study 3 was to examine the effect of isolation experience on attentional bias of situational information.Participants' current psychological and physical pain levels were assessed by the psychological and physical pain visual analog scale.In the experiment, the participants were randomly presented with a combination of four types of situation pictures (psychological pain, physical pain, positive social relationship and neutral) that had been screened in the early stage. The subjects(home isolation N = 18; control group N = 18) were required to observe freely, and were recorded and tracked by eye tracker. Repeated ANOVA showed that individuals experiencing isolation had attentional bias towards negative situations (psychological and physical pain), especially for psychological pain during the whole viewing time.After the removal of neutral stimuli, the participants showed a time-invariant attentional orientation to the psychologically painful situation during the prolonged viewing time.In general, from an empirical perspective, this paper explores the influence of two types of isolation situations on individual psychological structure: more common psychological pain experience, increased aggression, and significant attention bias to psychological pain situation information.The results can provide some reference for psychological intervention, clinical treatment and policy making.On the other hand, the study also confirmed that isolated individuals have a positive adaptation to psychological pain -- after experiencing isolation, their psychological pain tolerance is significantly improved, thus developing a new adaptive capacity.
英文摘要心理痛苦是一种主观、复杂的内省体验,来自于心理需求受挫,其特征是对自我及其功能消极变化的感知,伴随着强烈消极情绪。心理痛苦常与心理健康水平下降有关,被认为是自杀过程核心。新冠疫情期间,我国采取了严格有效的隔离防疫措施,为遏制疾病流行、保障民众生命安全起到了至关重要作用。但同时,被隔离者的身心健康状况也值得我们关注。本文立足于当前新冠疫情带来的巨大社会变化,着眼于集中隔离和居家隔离情境中心理痛苦具体问题,结合了质性研究和量化研究,运用深度访谈、量表评估、实验室诱发攻击行为、内隐联想测验、冷压实验、眼动追踪技术等手段,逐步探究了隔离情境下个体心理痛苦以及对行为和认知的影响。研究一对因新冠疫情接受隔离的参与者(集中隔离N = 18;居家隔离N = 19)进行深入访谈,并根据扎根理论方法分析。结果证实,两类隔离者普遍存在心理痛苦。外部环境影响和内在心理需求受挫是主要归因,应对方式分为面对痛苦和回避痛苦。研究构建了隔离情境中个体心理痛苦发生发展模型。该模型围绕心理痛苦,联系归因和应对方式,呈现了心理痛苦在隔离情境中的动态过程,强调了不同应对方式选择对于心理痛苦发展有着重要作用。此外,隔离类型和性别差异也体现在归因和应对方式中。研究二进一步检验了隔离经历引发心理痛苦、攻击性以及与生理痛苦指标(痛阈、耐受性)的关系。研究采用心理痛苦量表、10项心理痛苦耐受性量表、Buss-Perry攻击性量表、实验室诱发攻击行为测验和内隐攻击性测验对隔离组(居家隔离N = 21;集中隔离N = 1)和对照组被试(N = 21)单独施测,并通过冷压实验,对生理痛苦阈限和忍耐时间进行相关研究。结果证实两组被试心理痛苦及其耐受性存在显著性差异。在被试总体中,心理痛苦和心理痛苦耐受性显著正相关。多元回归分析发现个体攻击性随心理痛苦增强而显著提高,而那些对生理痛苦耐受性更高的人,倾向于表现出更高水平的攻击行为。研究三的目的是检验隔离经历对情境信息注意偏向的影响。通过心理生理痛苦视觉模拟量表评估被试当前心理和生理痛苦水平。实验中随机呈现经过前期筛选的四类情境图片(心理痛苦、生理痛苦、积极社会关系和中性)组合,要求隔离组(居家隔离N = 18)和非隔离组(N = 18)被试自由观察,并由眼动仪记录和追踪。重复测量方差分析发现,隔离经历个体对消极情境(心理痛苦和生理痛苦)存在注意偏向,特别是在整个观看时间内对心理痛苦情境存在显著注意偏向。去除中性刺激干扰后,在延长观看时间内对心理痛苦情境表现出不随时间变化的注意定向。 总的来说,本文从实证角度出发,层层深入,探究了两类隔离情境对个体心理结构的影响:心理痛苦体验较为普遍、攻击性随心理痛苦增强而提高,以及对心理痛苦情境信息存在显著注意偏向。结果可以为心理干预、临床治疗和政策制定等方面提供一定参考。另一方面,研究还证实了隔离个体对心理痛苦存在积极适应性——在经历隔离后,其心理痛苦耐受性显著提高,从而发展成为一种新的适应能力。
GB/T 7714
历磊. 隔离情境对个体心理痛苦、攻击性及注意偏向的影响[D]. 中国科学院心理研究所. 中国科学院大学. 2021.

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