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分裂型特质个体心智游移的神经机制及日常表现: 基于EEG和经验采样的研究


关键词心智游移 分裂型特质 脑电研究 theta beta比值(TBR) 经验采样
其他题名Neural mechanisms and daily festations of mind wandering in individuals with schizotypal traits: EEG and experience sampling studies
中文摘要In daily life, people often experience mind wandering. Mind wandering is a state of consciousness in which individual's attention is disengaged from the present task to internal information unrelated to the task, such as personal goals, fantasies or other thoughts, and away from the present moment. So far, studies have found that mind wandering is more frequent in patient with schizophrenia than in healthy controls and is associated with clinical symptoms, therefore, studying mind wandering in schizophrenia may be helpful to understand its psychopathology. Individuals with schizotypal traits are at risk for schizophrenia, they are free of hospitalization and medication and can be also helpful to the study of schizophrenia. However, there are few studies on mind wandering in individuals with schizotypal traits. In recent years, scholars have widely applied EEG technology to the research of mind wandering to investigate the neural mechanism of mind wandering and have achieved important findings. However, the neural mechanism of mind wandering in individuals with high schizotypal traits remains to be explored. In addition, most previous studies were conducted in laboratory settings or measured using questionnaires which had low ecological validity. Therefore, it is necessary to further explore the differences of mind wandering in daily life manifestations between individuals with high and low schizotypal traits. The present thesis aimed to investigate the neural mechanism of mind wandering in individuals with schizotypal traits with both resting state EEG and task-based EEG, and to explore mind wandering in daily life in individuals with schizotypal traits via experience sampling method. Three studies were included. In Study 1,the neural mechanism of mind wandering in individuals with schizotypal traits was explored using resting state EEG. A total of 48 individuals with high schizotypal traits individuals and 50 individuals with low schizotypal traits completed the Mind Wandering Questionnaire and had their resting state EEG recorded. The main EEG index analyzed was the theta beta power ratio (TBR). Previous studies showed that TBR was related to attention control and mind wandering. The results showed that the high schizotypal group had more frequent mind wandering than the low schizotypal group. In the high schizotypal group, frontal region TBR was significantly negatively correlated with mind wandering score, while no significant correlation was found in the low schizotypal group, suggesting that the neural mechanism of mind wandering may be different between the two groups. In Study 2, task-based EEG (i.e., event-related potential, ERP) was used to explore the neural mechanism of mind wandering in individuals with high schizotypal traits. A total of 35 individuals with high schizotypal traits and 32 individuals with low schizotypal traits completed the sustained attention to response task (SART) with EEG recorded, thought probes were presented occasionally to inquire the attention status of participants. According to the responses (focus on task or mind wandering), the neural mechanism related to mind wandering was analyzed by comparing mind wandering with focus on task. At the same time, the participants also completed the Mind Wandering Questionnaire, Spontaneous Mind Wandering Questionnaire and Intentional Mind Wandering Questionnaire. Results showed that mind wandering score, intentional mind wandering and unintentional mind wandering score were significantly higher in the high schizotypal group than the low schizotypal group. There was no significant group difference in the rates of mind wandering reported in the SART task. However, there were group differences in the amplitude of components associated with mind wandering, the frontal P2 amplitude in the high schizotypal group was smaller than that in the low schizotypal group, the frontal N2 amplitude in the high schizotypal group was larger than that in the low schizotypal group, and the frontal P3 amplitude in the high schizotypal group was smaller during mind wandering than focus on task, but there was no such significant difference in the low schizotypal group. These results suggest that the group difference in the neural mechanism of mind wandering may involve sensory processing and cognitive control. In Study 3, the manifestations of mind wandering in daily life in individuals with schizotypal traits were examined via experience sampling. A total of 28 individuals with high schizotypal traits and 31 individuals with low schizotypal traits completed an experience sampling task. The participants were required to click the questionnaire link received by Samply Research to fill in the questionnaire within 8 days, and eight questionnaires were received each day. The questions were about attention status (mind wandering or focus on task), characteristics of mind wandering, emotional status, and ongoing tasks, etc. Results showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups in the overall proportion of mind wandering, both groups reported mind wandering on about 30% of occasions. The high schizotypal group had a higher frequency of mind wandering related to personal goals and directed to the future; thought status was predicted by degree of freely-moving and controllability in the high schizotypal group to a higher degree than the low schizotypal group, and thought status was predicted by the degree of interested in ongoing events in the low schizotypal group to a higher degree than the high schizotypal group. In the low schizotypal group, mind wandering at timepoint t+1 was predicted by emotional valance at timepoint t, while in the high schizotypal group, there was no such relationship. These results suggest that the high schizotypal group and the low schizotypal group had different manifestations of mind wandering in daily life. To conclude, the present thesis systematically explored the neural mechanism and daily manifestations of mind wandering in individuals with schizotypal traits, results indicated that the correlation patterns of resting state EEG and mind wandering between the two groups may be different, the group difference of neural mechanisms related to mind wandering may involve sensory and perceptual processing and cognitive control. Though the overall frequency of mind wandering in daily life was similar between groups, there were some differences in the content and relationship to emotion between groups. The present thesis is helpful for understanding the differences in daily life manifestations and neural mechanism of mind wandering in individuals with schizotypal traits, and provides possible neurophysiological indicators, so as to more comprehensively understand the complex relationship between mind wandering and the brain in schizophrenia spectrum, and provide theoretical basis for early identification and intervention.
英文摘要在日常生活中,人们常常会出现心智游移(Mind Wandering, MW),即通常所说的走神。心智游移主要是指个体的注意力从当前任务转向与任务无关的信息,如个人目标、幻想或其他想法等,而脱离此时此刻的一种意识状态。研究发现相比于对照组,精神分裂症患者的心智游移更为频繁,且和临床症状相关,因此,对心智游移的研究对理解精神分裂症的病理机制有帮助。分裂型特质个体是精神分裂症的风险人群,对该人群的探讨可以避免与患者相关的住院、药物副反应等因素的混淆。目前对分裂型特质个体心智游移的研究还较少。 近年来国内外学者将脑电技术广泛应用于心智游移的研究考察心智游移的神经机制,并取得了重要的研究成果,但关于分裂型特质个体心智游移的神经机制尚不清楚。此外,既往研究大多通过问卷测量或在实验室情境下进行,生态效度较低,分裂型特质个体在日常生活中的心智游移表现如何也需要进一步探讨。 本论文将从静息态和任务态EEG两方面,对分裂型特质个体心智游移的神经机制进行深入考察,另外采用经验采样法探讨分裂型特质个体日常生活中的心智游移表现,共包括三个研究。 研究一通过静息态EEG对分裂型特质个体心智游移的神经机制进行探讨。48名分裂型特质个体和50名非分裂型特质个体完成了心智游移问卷和静息态脑电记录。分析的主要脑电指标是theta和beta功率的比值(theta beta ratio, TBR以往研究表明,TBR和注意控制及心智游移相关。结果发现,分裂型特质组的心智游移得分显著高于对照组;分裂型特质组额区TBR与心智游移呈显著负相关,对照组TBR与心智游移未发现显著相关。这些结果说明心智游移的神经机制在两组被试中可能存在差异。 研究二通过任务态EEG(即事件相关电位ERP)对分裂型特质个体心智游移的神经机制进行探讨。35名分裂型特质个体和32名非分裂型特质个体在完成持续注意反应任务(sustained attention to response task, SART)的同时记录脑电数据,在任务中出现探针询问被试的注意状态,根据被试的反应(专注或心智游移),通过对心智游移和专注的比较来分析心智游移相关的神经机制。同时,被试还填写了心智游移问卷、有意和无意心智游移量表。结果发现,在自我报告问卷上,分裂型特质组的心智游移得分、有意心智游移得分和无意心智游移得分均显著高于对照组;在SART任务中,分裂型特质组和对照组报告心智游移的比例未存在显著差异。但是,心智游移相关脑电成分的波幅存在一定的组间差异:分裂型特质组额区P2波幅比对照组更小;分裂型特质组额区N2波幅比对照组更大;分裂型特质组额区P3波幅在心智游移期间比专注期间更小,而对照组额区P3波幅在专注和心智游移之间无显著差异。这些结果说明分裂型特质组和对照组心智游移神经机制的差异可能涉及感知觉加工以及认知控制等功育旨。 研究三通过经验采样法对分裂型特质个体日常生活中的心智游移特点进行探讨。28名分裂型特质个体和31名非分裂型特质个体完成了经验采样任务,被试需要在8天内点击Samply Research软件接收到的问卷链接进行填写,每天会收到8条填写问卷的通知。问卷内容包括注意状态(是否心智游移)、心智游移特征,收到通知前的情绪状态、正在做的事情等。结果发现,两组被试在报告心智游移的总体比例上不存在显著差异,均报告了30%左右的心智游移;分裂型特质组的心智游移与个人目标的相关程度更高并且更多的指向未来;分裂型特质组和对照组相比,思维自由变化程度、能控制思维的程度对注意状态的预测作用更强;对照组和分裂型特质组相比,对正在做的事情的感兴趣程度对注意状态的预测作用更强;对照组上一时间点的情绪效价可以预测下一时间点的注意状态,而分裂型特质组不存在该预测作用。这些结果说明分裂型特质组和对照组在日常生活中的心智游移表现存在一定的差异。 总之,本论文对分裂型特质个体心智游移的神经机制和日常表现进行了系统的探究,结果表明两组被试之间的静息态脑电活动与心智游移的相关模式可能存在不同,心智游移相关神经机制的组间差异可能涉及感知觉加工以及认知控制等功能,分裂型特质组和对照组在日常生活中的心智游移的频率虽然差异不大,但在内容及与情绪的关系上存在一定的差异。本论文有助于理解分裂型特质个体在心智游移表现上的特点以及心智游移的神经机制,提供可能存在异常的神经生理指标,从而更全面地理解精神分裂症谱系心智游移与大脑之间的关系,为早期识别和干预提供理论依据。
GB/T 7714
章琴. 分裂型特质个体心智游移的神经机制及日常表现: 基于EEG和经验采样的研究[D]. 中国科学院心理研究所. 中国科学院大学. 2023.

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