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关键词青少年 亲社会行为 同伴影响 社会信息 分享行为
其他题名The Influence of Social Information from Peers on Adolescent's Sharing Behaviors
中文摘要The influence of social information on individuals is everywhere. Humans are constantly making decisions by integrating their own experience with information from the outside world. Adolescents are especially vulnerable to social influence from their peers. However, previous studies on peer influence mainly focus on risk-taking and misbehavior, such as aggressive behavior, negative risk-taking behavior, smoking and alcohol abuse, while the positive aspects of peer influence have not been paid enough attention. Prosocial behavior, as an important social adaptation behavior, is of great significance to adolescent development. In recent years, studies have begun to explore the positive influence of peers, but there is no consensus on whether adolescents' prosocial behavior is more likely to be influenced by altruistic or egoistic peers, and there is a lack of research on its influencing mechanism. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of decision-making information provided by peers on adolescents' sharing behavior and its internal influencing mechanism. Study 1 examined how different types of information provided by peers (prosocial vs. selfish) affect charitable donation at real cost in adolescents and adults. In addition, previous studies have shown that children are more likely to learn from authority (reliable, knowledgeable, or high-status adults) than from peers, and that adolescents may be more influenced by information provided by peers than by adults. Therefore, the influence of different information sources (peers vs. adults) on adolescents' sharing behavior is another concern of this research. In Experiment 1,78 adolescents aged 1214 years old (Mage=13.81士0.58 years old, 35 girls) and 79 adolescents aged 15一17 years old (Mage=16.69士0.61 years old, 30 girls) and 61 adults aged 2252 years old (Mage=29.22士8.37 years old, 35 female) were recruited, and the adaptive behavior experimental paradigm was used. The results showed that adolescents were more prosocial than adults in their initial donation. They were also more likely to adjust their subsequent sharing to increase donations when they learned that their peers were more generous, but not when their peers shared less than they did. In Experiment 2, 77 adolescents aged 12一15 years old (Mage=14.06士0.74 years old, 32 girls) were recruited, and the conflicting information source paradigm was added (present subjects with two pieces of information at the same time in each trial: One message was more altruistic than the subject's initial decision and the other more egoistic than the subject's initial decision). The results confirmed the finding of Experiment 1 that adolescents were more likely to be altruistically influenced by peers. Moreover, when adolescents observed both generous and selfish information, their secondary donations were more likely to change in the direction of altruism, and this shift was more likely to occur under the condition of peer influence rather than the condition of adult influence. Study 2 further examined the cognitive mechanism of adolescents' sharing behavior when it is influenced by peers. Some researchers believe that the process of peer influence on adolescent decision-making is due to intuitive or reactive decision-making, while others believe that it is related to the adolescents' processing ability of deliberative thinking. In Experiment 3, 85 adolescents aged 13一15 (79 valid data, Mage=13.82士0.44 years old, 34 girls) were selected to explore the information processing mechanism in the process of social information influence. By manipulating time pressure and cognitive load, the peer influence of adolescents under different processing modes of intuition and deliberation was investigated, which further supported the cognitive mechanism of prosocial behavior. The results showed that adolescents were more likely to be influenced by altruistic information than by egoistic information, which verifies the previous findings. Moreover, the prosocial influence of adolescents was stable in the decision-making process, and there was no significant difference between intuitive processing and deliberative processing, indicating that deliberative processing may not change the intuitive decisions. Furthermore, exposure to social information of others can not only enable individuals to learn through observation and description, but also affect individuals' cognition of norms. Perceived social norms rather than actual social norms may play a role in social influence. In Experiment 4a, 93 adolescents aged 1214 (86 valid data, Mage=12.78士0.37 years old, 44 girls) were recruited to further investigated whether adolescents' perceived norms of peer group mediated their peer influence they experienced. The results showed that the mediating effect was significant. When adolescents observed their peer giving more, they assumed that most people gave more, thus determining their subsequent donation amount. In Experiment 4b, 62 adolescents aged 1214 years old (Mage=13.66士0.54 years old, 29 girls) were recruited to manipulate perceived social norms through normative cues to further verify the further connection between perceived descriptive norms and social influences. Study 3 further examined the individual differences in the process of peer influence on adolescents' sharing behavior. Empathy is the basis of prosocial behavior, and the role of empathy on social influence is less discussed, especially in the prosocial context. In addition, from the perspective of social influence, interdependent self-constructors emphasize interpersonal connection and may be more susceptible to peer influence. Study 3 further examined the role of empathy and self-construal in peer influence on adolescent sharing behavior, with the same sample as Study 2. Experiment Sa used the Process plug-in to test the moderating effect. The results found that emotional empathy moderated peer influence adolescents experienced. Individuals with high emotional empathy were more likely to be influenced by peers, which is manifested as a greater increase in donation behavior. In Experiment 6a, the moderating effect of self-construal on peer influence was tested. The results showed that moderating effect was significant: the prosocial behaviors of highly interdependent individuals were more likely to be influenced by peers, which was manifested as a greater increase in donation behavior. Experiment Sb and Experiment6b further explored whether empathy or self-construal moderated the mediating effect of perceived descriptive norms in peer influence, and found that the moderated mediating effect was not significant. The mediating effect of perceived norms on peer effects did not change with the level of empathy or self-construal. In conclusion, this paper examines the influence and mechanism of social information provided by peers on adolescents' charitable giving behavior at real cost. Adolescents are more prosocial than adults and are more likely to be positively influenced by their peers. Their secondary giving was more likely to change in the direction of altruism, and this shift was more likely to be influenced by peers than by adults. Such prosocial influences on adolescents are mediated by their perception of peer group norms. Emotional empathy and interdependent self-construal moderate the peer influence adolescents experienced. Individuals with high emotional empathy or high interdependent self-construal are more susceptible to peer influence in prosocial behavior. The research suggests that good peer moral models can help adolescents' sharing behavior and the mechanism of its formation. This research expands the theory of social learning, reveals the benefit of peer moral model to adolescents' prosocial behavior, and provides reference for improving the educational practice of adolescents' prosocial behavior.
英文摘要社会信息对人们的影响无所不在。人类不断地通过整合自身经验和外部社会的信息以做出决策。青少年尤其容易受到来自同伴的社会影响。然而,以往同伴影响的相关研究多集中于冒险和不当行为,如攻击行为、消极冒险、吸烟和酗酒行为等,同伴影响的积极方面没有得到足够重视。亲社会行为作为一种重要的社会适应行为,对青少年发展具有重要意义。近年来,研究开始探讨同伴的积极影响,但关于青少年的亲社会行为更容易受到利他还是利己影响并未得到一致的发现,同时缺乏对其影响机制的探究。本研究旨在考察同伴所提供的决策信息对青少年分享行为的影响及其机制。 研究一考察同伴提供的社会信息的性质(利他VS.利己)对青少年慈善捐赠行为的影响。已有研究表明,儿童更倾向于向权威(可靠、知识渊博或地位高的成人)而非同龄人学习,而关于青少年更容易受到同龄人还是成人的影响并未得到一致发现。因此,不同信息来源(同龄人VS.成人)对青少年分享行为的影响是本研究关注的一个问题。实验1招募了78名1214岁青少年(Mage = 13.81士0.5 8岁,35名女生),79名1517岁青少年(Mage = 16.69士0.61岁,30名女生)和61名2252岁成人(Mage = 29.22士8.37岁,35名女性)被试,采用自适应行为实验范式呈现同伴决策信息。结果发现,两组青少年的初始捐赠均比成人更亲社会。青少年也更容易受到同伴提供的利他而非利己决策信息的影响,从而提高捐赠数额。实验2招募了77名1215岁青少年(Mage = 14.06士0.74岁,32名女生)被试,并增加了冲突信息源范式(在每个试次中给被试同时呈现两个信息:一个信息比被试的初始决策更利他,另一个信息比被试的初始决策更利己),结果验证了实验1的发现,即青少年更容易受到同伴的利他影响;同时发现,当青少年同时观察到冲突信息时,他们的二次捐赠更容易朝向利他的方向改变,且这种转变更容易受到同伴而非成人的影响。 研究二进一步考察青少年的分享行为受到同伴影响时的认知机制。有研究者认为同伴影响青少年决策的过程源于其冲动或反应性决策,也有研究认为同伴影响力与青少年审慎思考的加工能力有关。实验3选取85名1315岁青少年(79份有效数据,Mage = 13.82士0.44岁,34名女生)探讨了社会信息影响过程中的信息加工机制,通过操纵时间压力和认知负荷,考察青少年个体受到同伴影响的过程更多是因为直觉还是深思熟虑的加工模式,进一步佐证亲社会行为发生的认知机制。结果表明,相比利己信息,青少年更容易受到利他信息的影响,验证了实验1和实验2的发现,并且青少年受到的这种亲社会影响在决策时程上是稳定的,直觉加工与审慎加工下青少年受到的社会影响没有显著差异。再者,由于他人提供的社会信息不仅可以让个体在观察中模仿和学习,还可能影响个体对规范的认知。而感知到的规范可能在社会影响中发挥作用。实验4a招募了93名1214岁青少年(86份有效数据,Mage = 12.78士0.37岁,44名女生)来进一步考察青少年对同伴群体规范的认知是否中介了其受到的同伴影响。结果发现,中介效应显著,当青少年观察到同伴捐赠更多时会认为大多数人也捐得多,进而决定其随后的捐赠数额。实验4b进一步招募了62名1214岁青少年(Mage = 13.66士0.54岁,29名女生),通过规范提示操纵感知到的社会规范进一步验证了描述性规范感知与同伴影响的联系。 研究三进一步考察了同伴影响青少年分享行为过程中的个体差异。共情是亲社会行为的基础,以往社会影响中共情的作用较少被提及,特别是在亲社会的背景下。此外,从社会影响的视角出发,互依型自我建构者强调人际联结,可能更容易受到同伴影响。研究三进一步检验了共情和自我建构在同伴影响青少年分享行为中的作用,被试同研究二。实验Sa采用Process插件进行调节效应的检验,结果发现,情感共情调节了青少年所受到的同伴影响,高情感共情的个体的分享行为更容易受到同伴影响,表现为捐赠行为增幅更多。实验6a检验了自我建构的调节效应,结果发现,互依型自我建构调节了青少年所受到的同伴影响,高互依型个体的分享行为更容易受到同伴的利他影响。实验Sb和实验6b进一步探讨了共情和自我建构是否调节描述性规范感知在社会影响中的中介作用,结果发现有调节的中介效应不显著。被试对同伴群体规范的感知在同伴影响中的作用并不随着共情能力或互依型偏好的高低而变化。 综上,本论文考察了同伴提供的社会信息对青少年需要付出实际代价的慈善捐赠行为的影响及其作用机制。研究发现,青少年的初始捐赠比成人更亲社会,也更容易受到同伴的利他影响。他们的二次捐赠更容易朝向利他的方向改变,且这种转变更容易受到同伴而非成人的影响。对同伴群体规范的认知中介了其受到的同伴影响。情感共情和互依型自我建构调节了青少年所受到的同伴影响,高情感共情或高互依型个体的分享行为更容易受到同伴影响。研究提示了同伴道德榜样会助力青少年的亲社会行为及其产生机制。本研究拓展了社会学习理论,揭示同伴道德榜样对青少年亲社会行为的助益,为提升青少年亲社会行为的教育实践提供参考。
GB/T 7714
张玮玮. 同伴决策信息对青少年分享行为的影响[D]. 中国科学院心理研究所. 中国科学院大学. 2023.

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