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关键词嗅视整合 嗅觉信息 场景知觉 空间导航 距离线索
其他题名Synthesis of olfactory and visual cues in scene perception and the underlying neural mechanisms
中文摘要Spatial navigation entails an analysis and understanding of the structure of scenes in the broader environment. The perception of scenes in turn relies on the integration of multisensory cues such as the layout of textures and objects in front of the eyes and wafts of scents in the air. How visual and olfactory inputs are continuously constructed into unified percepts of scenes in the human brain is scantly known. Here two studies are conducted to explore the neural mechanisms underlying the synthesis of olfactory and visual cues in scene perception. Study 1 comprises 3 experiments that collectively assess whether and how the congruency between olfactory and visual cues facilitates scene perception. Through formal psychophysical testing, we demonstrate in Experiments 1 and 2 that the presence of a congruent as opposed to incongruent odor expedites one's recognition of a scene independent of semantic priming. Experiment 3 employs functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to probe how such congruency acts upon the representations of scenes in the brain. Results show that the parahippocampal place area (PPA) exhibits enhanced responses and refined spatial activity patterns to visual scenes under the exposures of congruent as compared to incongruent odors. This is accompanied by strengthened functional connectivities between PPA and the orbitofrontal cortex一a region underlying olfactory-visual integration, and between PPA and the piriform cortex. Study 2 examines the interplays between olfactory and visual cues in the neural computations of distance. Participants were presented with video clips that simulate movements into and away from various scenes as well as odors congruent or incongruent with the scenes that either increase or decrease in odor strength while fMRI images were acquired. Results indicate that visual distance is represented in scene processing areas including the parahippocampal place area, retrosplenial complex, and occipital place area, where enhanced neural responses are observed for receding as opposed to approaching scenes. Olfactory distance, on the other hand, is processed in the piriform and orbitofrontal cortices, where enhanced neural activities are observed for approaching rather than receding odors. The olfactory and visual distance cues are integrated in the orbitofrontal cortex. These findings underscore the role of olfaction in the neural respresentations of scene category and distance. Moreover, they provide fresh insights into the mechanisms underlying the synthesis of multisensory cues in scene perception and spatial navigation.
英文摘要场景知觉对空间导航至关重要。在空间导航过程中,感觉系统必须从场景中提取和编码导航相关的线索。场景知觉依赖于多个感官信息的输入和整合,大脑将多个感觉系统输入的信息整合成连贯的感觉体验并对当前环境做出判断。气味不仅是场景的构成元素之一,且是大多动物所依赖的导航线索。目前少有研究探讨个体如何将气味线索和视觉线索整合成完整的场景知觉,基于此,本文通过两项研究探讨嗅视场景信息整合的神经机制。 研究一通过三个实验考察了嗅视场景信息整合对场景知觉的影响及机制。实验中被试在完成视觉场景辨别任务的同时,暴露于与场景一致或不一致的气味之中,结果显示嗅视信息一致条件下被试对场景的辨别力更强(实验一),这种增强效应独立于气味对场景概念的语义启动(实验二)。后续的fMRI实验发现,相比于嗅视信息不一致条件,嗅视信息一致条件提升了海马旁回的神经活动,促进了其对场景的神经表征,且增强了海马旁回和眶额皮质以及海马旁回和梨状皮质之间的功能连接。此外,嗅视场景信息在眶额皮质中发生整合(实验三)。 研究二通过操纵场景视觉深度(由远到近或由近到远)和场景气味浓度(由淡到浓或由浓到淡)在方向上变化的一致性考察嗅视距离线索的大脑表征,结果发现海马旁回位置区、压后皮层联合区、枕叶位置区等场景加工脑区表征视觉距离线索,远离场景比趋近场景增强了这些区域的神经活动;梨状皮质和眶额皮质等嗅觉加工脑区表征嗅觉距离线索,相较远离气味,它们在趋近气味条件下神经活动增强;嗅视距离变化一致的信息在眶额叶皮层中发生整合。 上述发现揭示了嗅觉如何参与脑内对场景类别和距离信息的神经表征,深化了我们对多模态场景知觉和导航机制的理解。
GB/T 7714
干宴庆. 嗅视场景信息整合的神经机制[D]. 中国科学院心理研究所. 中国科学院大学. 2023.

入库方式: OAI收割


