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关键词弱势化医生媒介形象 刻板印象内容模型 医患信任 卷入度
其他题名Advantages and disadvantages of the image of vulnerable doctors: The impact of the media image of vulnerable doctors on the public's evaluation and trust under different involvement levels
中文摘要In recent years, the news of injured doctors and reports calling for attention to doctors are common, shaping the media image of vulnerable doctors such as the misunderstood weak and victims of violence. However, it remains to be seen whether such an image can help improve the doctor-patient relationship. In real life, the influence of media image may vary with the degree of individual involvement(i.e., the extent to which individuals perceive and relate to things related to their inner needs and experiences). This study divides individual involvement in medical treatment into enduring involvement (that is, the frequency of going to the hospital at ordinary times) and situational involvement (that is, the involvement in the medical treatment situation), and the degree of enduring involvement plays a major role in the daily life of the general population. The study investigates how this common vulnerable image of doctors affects public evaluations of doctors among individuals with different levels of involvement. Based on the Stereotype Content Model(SCM), this study examines the impact of the vulnerable image on three dimensions of doctor evaluation: competence evaluation, warmth evaluation, and morality evaluation, as well as the overall evaluation of doctors. Furthermore, it explores whether this image can indirectly affect trust in doctors through its impact on doctor evaluations. Study 1 (N--492)used a questionnaire survey to find that the correlation between the browsing of vulnerable doctor's image and the stereotype and trust of the doctor showed an inverted U-shaped change with the increase of individual's enduring involvement. When individuals had low levels of enduring involvement, the frequency of browsing the vulnerable image of doctors was marginally positively correlated with doctor evaluation and significantly positively correlated with trust in doctors. Among individuals with average levels of enduring involvement, the frequency of browsing the vulnerable image of doctors was most strongly positively correlated with doctor evaluation and trust. However, when individuals had high levels of enduring involvement, there was no significant correlation between the frequency of browsing the vulnerable image of doctors and doctor evaluation or trust. In study 2(N--710),a questionnaire experiment was used to further verify the causality. Individuals with different levels of enduring involvement were randomly asked to read a typical news article that portrayed the image of a vulnerable doctor or an irrelevant news article. The results showed that for individuals with low levels of enduring involvement, reading the vulnerable image of doctors had no significant impact on their overall doctor evaluation. However, for individuals with general levels of enduring involvement, reading the vulnerable image had the strongest positive effect on the evaluation of the doctor, and only for this group, the image of vulnerable doctors could indirectly affect the trust of doctors through its positive impact on doctor evaluation. For individuals with high levels of enduring involvement, the impact of reading the image on doctor evaluation was again not significant. Moreover, for hyper-involved individuals visiting hospitals, reading vulnerable images even had a significant negative impact on medical stereotypes. However, overall, the impression of doctors among the hyper-involved group was higher than that of other groups. The first two studies showed that for individuals with moderate and low enduring involvement, the exposure of the image of the weak doctor could positively affect the medical evaluation, and the effect was improved with the increase of involvement. However, for individuals with high enduring involvement, the image of the weak doctor may have a negative impact. Therefore, in study 3 and study 4, individuals with low and medium-level enduring involvement (76.8%一92.6% of the general population without seeking medical treatment) were targeted, and the positive influence of the image of vulnerable doctors on the evualuation and trust in doctors was further enhanced by manipulating the situational involvement. Study 3 included experiments 3a(N--405)and 3b(N--160),both of which were conducted by using the second /third person text to instruct the participants to imagine the medical situation to manipulate the situational involvement. The results showed that for individuals with low or medium level of enduring involvement, improving the degree of situational involvement could further improve the impact of vulnerable doctors' image reading on their evaluation and trust in the medical situation. In addition, in the high-situational involvement group of both experiments, the evaluation played an indirect role in mediating the relationship between the reading of the vulnerable image and the trust in doctors. In study 4 CN--436),the typical vulnerable image news was added with content to enhance the perceived relevance of seeking treatment to improve the individual situational involvement. The results showed that for the individuals with medium and low enduring involvement, the vulnerable image news with content to improve the involvement had a stronger positive impact on the evaluation of the doctors, and further positively affected medical trust through the indirect effect of evaluation. In general, study 1 and study 2 found that for individuals with different degrees of persistent involvement, the impact of vulnerable doctors' media image on medical evaluation showed an inverted U-shaped change. Study 3 and 4 further found that for the majority of individuals with low and medium enduring involvement in the population, the influence of vulnerable doctors' image could be improved by improving the situational involvement. The results expand the media image research in the field of doctor-patient, and have practical guiding significance for building a harmonious doctor-patient relationship by shaping the media image.
英文摘要近年来,伤医新闻、呼吁关注医生的报道屡见不鲜,塑造了被误解的弱者、暴力受害者等中性的弱势化医生媒介形象。然而,这样的形象是否有助于改善医患关系还有待探究。在现实生活中,媒介形象的影响可能会因个体卷入度(即个体感知到的事物和自身相关的程度)的不同而产生差异。本研究将个体对医的卷入度区分为持续性卷入度(即个体平时去医院的频率)和情境性卷入度(即暂时的看病情境的卷入度),其中在普通人群的日常生活中起主要作用的应为持续性卷入度。本研究探究了对于不同卷入度的公众,这一常见的弱势化医生媒介形象如何影响其对医评价。基于刻板印象内容模型,对医评价包括对医能力评价、热情评价和道德评价,本研究探究了弱势化形象对这三个维度及总体对医评价的影响,并探究了这一形象能否通过对医评价的间接效应进一步影响对医信任。 因此研究一(N--492)采用问卷调查发现平时弱势化医生形象的浏览频率与对医评价及对医信任之间的相关随个体持续性卷入度增加呈倒U型变化,当个体持续性卷入度较低时,平时弱势化医生形象浏览频率与对医评价边缘显著地正相关,与对医信任显著正相关。当个体持续性卷入度一般时,平时弱势化医生形象浏览频率与对医评价及信任间的正相关最强。当个体持续性卷入度较高时,平时弱势化医生形象浏览频率与对医评价和信任都无显著相关。 研究二(N--710)采用问卷实验进一步验证了因果关系,让持续性卷入度不同的个体随机阅读一篇塑造了弱势化医生形象的典型新闻或无关新闻,结果发现对于持续性卷入度较低的个体,阅读弱势化医生形象对其总体对医评价无显著影响。而对于持续性卷入度一般的个体,阅读弱势化医生形象对评价的正向影响最强,且仅对于这一人群,弱势化医生形象能通过对医评价的正向间接作用影响对医信任;对于持续性卷入度较高的个体,阅读该形象对其对医评价的影响再次不显著;而对于正在医院就诊的超高卷入个体,阅读弱势化形象新闻甚至会显著负面影响其对医评价,但总体而言,超高卷入群体的对医印象评价高于其他群体。 前两个研究表明,对于中低持续性卷入度的个体,弱势化医生形象暴露可以正向影响对医评价,且效果随着卷入度提升而增强;而对于高持续性卷入度的个体,弱势化医生形象反而可能产生负面影响。因此研究三和研究四主要定位于中低持续卷入度的个体(占非就诊普通人群的76.8%一92.6% ),通过操纵情境卷入度进一步提升弱势化医生形象对对医评价和对医信任的正向影响。 研究三包含实验3a CN--405)和3b (N--160)两个实验,都是通过用第二/三人称文本指示参与者想象就医情境以操纵其情境卷入度,结果发现对于中低持续性卷入度的个体,提高其情境卷入度能够进一步改善弱势化医生形象阅读对其对医评价及对医信任的影响。此外,在两个实验的高情境卷入组中,对医评价都在弱势化形象阅读与对医信任间起间接作用。 研究四(N--436)进一步提升情境卷入度操纵的生态性,通过在典型弱势化形象新闻中直接加入“每个人都与看病就医息息相关”的内容以提高个体情境卷入度,结果发现对于中低持续性卷入度的个体,阅读高情境卷入度的弱势化形象新闻对其对医评价有更强的正向影响,并能通过评价的间接作用进一步正向影响对医信任。 总体而言,研究一和研究二发现对于不同持续性卷入度的个体,弱势化医生媒介形象对于对医评价的影响呈倒U型变化;研究三和研究四进一步发现对于人群中占绝大多数的中低持续性卷入度个体,能够通过提升其情境性卷入度进而改善弱势化医生形象的影响。研究结果拓展了医患领域的媒介形象研究,对于通过塑造媒介形象构建和谐医患关系具有实践指导意义。
GB/T 7714
李棋微. 医生媒介形象“弱势化”的好与坏:不同卷入度下弱势化医生媒介形象对公众对医评价及信任的影响[D]. 中国科学院心理研究所. 中国科学院大学. 2023.

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