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关键词解释偏向矫正 职业人群 压力 焦虑 抑郁
其他题名The benefits and feasibility of the smartphone-based interpretation bias modification training in working population
中文摘要With the rapid development of modern economy and society, the pace of work is getting faster and faster, and career changes are becoming more and more frequent. Workring population are prone to various emotional distress, such as stress, anxiety, depression, etc. The early adult workring population aged 20 to 35 is the main force of social construction, but this population often faces multiple and complex relationships at the same time, and improper handling can easily lead to various psychological problems. Therefore, the mental health of the early adult workring population should be taken seriously. Interpretation bias modification training is a potential intervention method that has emerged in recent years. It provides sufficient training for cognitive tasks through computer programs, without the need to meet with a psychotherapist, and directly modifies the interpretation bias towards anxiety and depression susceptibility. The aim is to reset our brain to modify harmful interpretation biases that can lead to emotional distress. Previous studies have shown that this method can effectively help anxious and depressed individuals to reduce their corresponding negative emotions, but current research on interpretation bias modification training is mostly based on laboratory environments. Further exploration is needed to determine whether mobile training can achieve the same effect. Based on this, this paper conducts two studies: Study 1 investigated the perceived stress, anxiety, and depression of 193 workring people aged 20-35, and further investigated the interpretation bias indicators of 103 individuals using behavioral tasks. The results showed that 44.56% of the workring population surveyed had excessive perceived stress, 50.26% were in medium to high anxiety, and 31.09% were in medium to high depression. There is a significant positive correlation between perceived stress, anxiety, and depression, indicating that perceived stress, anxiety, and depression are interrelated and interdependent as a whole. More importantly, there is a significant positive correlation between negative interpretation bias and perceived stress, anxiety, depression. The higher the negative interpretation bias, the higher the individual's level of perceived stress, anxiety, depression. Study 2 recruited 121 workring people aged 20-35 and randomly divided them into a positive training group(PTG) of 38, a neutral training group(NTG) of 41,and a blank control group(CG) of 42. The PTG and NTG were trained once a day, 3-5 times a week, a total of 30 times, for 8一10 weeks. The PTG received modification training with all positive interpretation bias; The NTG received modification training with half positive and half negative interpretation bias; The CG did not receive training. Three groups of participants were evaluated before, after, and 4 months after training. The results showed that after long-term self-help mobile interpretation bias modification training, the positive interpretation bias of the PTG significantly increased, while their perceived stress, anxiety, and depression levels significantly decreased. However, the emotional distress of the NTG and CG did not show similar decrease. The tracking results after 4 months showed that the PTG still had a certain degree of decrease in stress compared to before training, but the training effects of anxiety and depression were not maintained. A survey on the compliance of this training method found that the completion rate of the PTG reached 63.16%, and the proportion of positive evaluations of the training method by participants reached 65.22%. In summary, the main conclusions drawn in this paper are as follows: At present, the perceived stress, anxiety, and depression of the early adult workring population are relatively severe. These three negative emotions are interrelated and mutually influencing, and they have become common problems faced by the workring population. It is urgent to carry out mental health services. Negative interpretation bias is significantly positively correlated with perceived stress, anxiety, and depression. Mobile interpretation bias modification training can effectively reduce the perceived stress, anxiety, and depression of early adult workring population, but the long-term maintenance of the effect is not good. Given the acceptable compliance and high availability of mobile intervention, it is recommended to persist in training for a long time in order to receive sustained intervention results.
英文摘要随着现代经济社会的快速发展,工作节奏越来越快,职业变动越来越频繁,职业人群容易产生各种情绪困扰,如压力、焦虑、抑郁等。20岁至35岁的成年早期职业人群是社会建设的主力军,但这一阶段的人群往往同时面临多重复杂关系,处理不当容易引发各种心理问题。因此,成年早期职业人群的心理健康理应得到重视。解释偏向矫正训练是近年兴起的一种具有潜力的干预手段,通过电脑程序对认知任务进行充分的训练,无需会见心理治疗师,直接矫正对焦虑、抑郁易感的解释偏向,旨在重新设定我们的大脑,以矫正那些能导致情绪困扰的有害的解释偏向,既往研究证明该方法可有效帮助焦虑、抑郁个体降低相应的负性情绪,但目前有关解释偏向矫正训练的研究大都基于实验室环境,移动端化的训练是否能得到相同的效果还有待进一步考察。 基于此,本论文进行两项研究: 研究一调查了193名20岁一35岁职业人员的知觉压力、焦虑、抑郁的状况,进一步采用行为任务考察了其中103名个体的解释偏向指标。结果发现,本次调查的职业人群有44.56%知觉压力过大,50.26%处于中、高等焦虑之中,31.09%处于中高等抑郁之中。知觉压力、焦虑、抑郁两两之间呈显著正相关,提示知觉压力、焦虑、抑郁是相互关联、相互影响的一个整体。更重要的是,消极解释偏向与知觉压力、焦虑、抑郁呈显著正相关,即消极解释偏向越高,个体的知觉压力、焦虑、抑郁水平越高。 研究二招募了20岁一35岁的职业人员121人,将他们随机分为积极解释偏向训练组38人、中性解释偏向训练组41人、空白对照组42人。前两组分别进行每天1次,每周3-5次,总计30次,为期8-10周的训练。积极组进行全部为积极解释偏向的矫正训练;中性组进行半数积极、半数消极的解释偏向矫正训练;对照组不进行训练。三组被试在训练前、训练后、及4个月后进行评估。结果发现,经过长程自助式移动端解释偏向矫正训练后,积极组被试的积极解释偏向明显增加,同时,其知觉压力、焦虑及抑郁水平均显著降低,而中性组、对照组被试的情绪困扰未见相似的改善。4个月后的追踪结果显示,积极组被试的压力紧张感较训练前仍有一定程度的改善,但焦虑、抑郁的训练效果则没有保持。对该训练方法依从性的调查发现,积极组的训练完成率达到63.16%,被试对该训练方法的积极评价比例达到65.22070 0 综上所述,本文得出的主要结论如下:现阶段成年早期职业人群的知觉压力、焦虑、抑郁状况比较严重,这三种负性情绪相互关联、相互影响,它们已经成为职业人群面临的共性问题,巫待开展心理健康服务。消极解释偏向与知觉压力、焦虑、抑郁呈显著正相关。移动端解释偏向矫正训练可有效降低成年早期职业人群的知觉压力、焦虑、抑郁,但效果的长期保持不佳,鉴于移动端干预的依从性尚可,可得性高,建议长期坚持训练,以期收到持续的干预效果。
GB/T 7714
廖春. 移动端解释偏向矫正训练改善成年早期职业人群情绪困扰的探索性研究[D]. 中国科学院心理研究所. 中国科学院大学. 2023.

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