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其他责任者张 亮
关键词强化敏感性 奖惩加工 应激 应激反应 事件相关电位
其他题名Individual Differences in Stress Responses —The Role of Reinforcement Sensitivity and Reward and Punishment Processing
中文摘要Reward pursuit and punishment avoidance are the fundamental drivers of human behaviors, and thus the processing of rewards and punishments plays a vital role in our responses to the changes in the environment. Within this framework, the Reinforcement Sensitivity was formulated to delineate an individual's sensitivity and propensity to react to rewards and punishments. Notably, individual's stress response was modulated by perceived severity of the threat and its possible consequences. Therefore, theoretical literature has suggested the importance of reward and punishment processing and reinforcement sensitivity in moderating stress responses. However, there is currently a lack of systematic research concerning the relationship between reinforcement sensitivity as well as reward and punishment processing and stress responses in healthy populations. Employing both the self-report scale and event-related potentials (ERP), we examined both reinforcement sensitivity and anticipatory and consummatory processing phases. The overarching aim of the research is to unpack the moderating roles and underlying mechanisms of reinforcement sensitivity as well as reward and punishment processing in the context of both laboratory and daily stress responses. In our initial study (Study 1), we investigated the influence of reinforcement sensitivity on stress responses in the laboratory. Reward Sensitivity and Punishment Sensitivity Scale was utilized to measure individuals' reinforcement sensitivity. We employed the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) to induce a state of stress, and collected data on various markers, including salivary cortisol levels, heart rate, subjective emotional states, and task performance, both before and after the test. Our analysis showed that individuals with high reward sensitivity displayed a reduced cortisol response during stress situations. Conversely, heightened punishment sensitivity was associated with elevated negative emotions and a suppression of positive emotions. Additionally, these traits also moderated participants' task performance under stress: those with elevated punishment sensitivity and diminished reward sensitivity exhibited poorer performance during the speech task. Besides, the above effects remained significant after controlling for neuroticism and extraversion. Expanding upon the results of Study 1,Studies 2 and 3 sought to delve into the moderating effects of diverse cognitive processing components on stress responses in the laboratory during the handling of monetary and social reinforcers. We closely monitored ERPs during both the anticipatory and consummatory processing phases using the Monetary Incentive Delay Task (MID) and the Social Feedback Task (SJT). In the anticipatory processing phase, ERPs associated with cue detection and action preparation did not demonstrate any significant moderating value for stress responses. However, the anticipation of feedback and the consummatory processing phase emerged as critical moderators of stress responses. Within the context of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), early-stage ERP components during consummatory processing (specifically P2/FRN) were positively correlated with elevated heart ratesunder stress conditions. Regarding the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, weobserved that a smaller amplitude of Feedback-Related Negativity (FRN) followingrewards was associated with lower cortisol levels under stress. Conversely, a largeramplitude of P3 following rewards or punishments, which is more closely related withthe task motivation was linked to better performance in the speech task. In Study 4, we shifted our focus to explore how reinforcement sensitivity moderating individual differences in daily stress responses. During a 16一day follow-up period, participants were asked to report their experienced stressful events and emotional states twice daily. To analyze the data, we utilized Hierarchical Linear Model and incorporated time-lag effects to examine the stress recovery process. The results indicated that reward sensitivity played a significant role in moderating both the immediate stress response and the subsequent recovery. Specifically, individuals with higher levels of reward sensitivity exhibited a lesser intensification of negative emotions and a more efficient recovery from stress. In contrast, punishment sensitivity did not appear to significantly influence susceptibility to daily stress. Consistent with Study 1,the above effects were all independent of neuroticism and extraversion. Studies 5 and 6 extended our inquiry by examining how cognitive processing of monetary and social rewards and punishments differentially moderate daily stress responses, as well as with their underlying mechanisms. Interestingly, our results indicated that the cognitive processing of monetary rewards and punishments did not have a significant impact on daily stress responses. However, the cognitive processing of social rewards and punishments emerged as a unique moderator for moderating stress responses. Specifically, a smaller amplitude of FRN following unexpected social rejection was associated with a stronger stress response. In summary, the present study lends empirical support to the moderating power of reinforcement sensitivity as well as reward and punishment processing in determining individual differences in stress responses. Compared with punishment sensitivity and punishment processing, our findings highlight the vital and reliable role of the reward sensitivity and reward processing in moderating stress responses. Reward sensitivity and positive expectations reflected by FRN as protective shields mitigate excessively intense HPA一axis and psychological stress reactions. It also emphasizes the independent moderating effect of reinforcement sensitivity on the stress responses. From a theoretical standpoint, our study enriches the understanding of individual variability in stress susceptibility, thereby advancing the broader scientific discourse on this subject. Practically, our findings hold considerable implications for clinical screening procedures aimed at identifying individuals best suited for roles that involve high levels of stress, thereby providing empirically grounded foundation for such determinations.
英文摘要趋利避害是人类行为的本能,因此,对奖惩信息的加工在我们应对环境变化中扮演着重要的作用。基于此,Gray等人提出强化敏感性,用以描述个体对奖惩信息的敏感程度和反应倾向。类似地,个体在应激情境下的反应也依赖其对应激源威胁程度的觉察,所以对奖惩信息的加工过程及其敏感程度可能是导致应激反应个体差异的关键因素。但目前关于强化敏感性及奖惩加工与应激反应的联系在健康人群中尚缺少系统研究。本研究采用量表和事件相关电位技术,分别从强化敏感性这一人格特质,以及对奖惩信息的预期加工及反馈加工,探讨强化敏感性及奖惩加工对实验室应激和生活应激反应的作用及其机制。 研究一首先探究了强化敏感性这一人格特质对实验室应激下生心反应和行为绩效的调节作用。研究采用惩罚敏感性和奖赏敏感性量表测量个体的强化敏感J性,并通过特里尔社会应激测试诱发实验室应激反应,记录被试在测试前后皮质醇、心率和负性情绪的变化以及应激下的绩效表现。结果发现奖赏敏感性越高,个体在应激下的皮质醇反应越小;相反地,惩罚敏感性越高,负性情绪越强而正性情绪越弱。强化敏感性还可以调节个体在应激下的绩效表现,惩罚敏感性越高、奖赏敏感性越低的个体,在应激任务中的演讲表现越差。且以上作用在控制神经质和外倾性后依然显著。 研究二、三在研究一的基础上,分别通过金钱激励延迟任务和社会评价任务,测量了个体加工金钱和社会奖惩信息时,预期加工和反馈加工阶段的脑电活动,探究在金钱奖惩和社会奖惩加工中,不同认知加工成分对实验室应激反应的作用。结果发现在预期加工阶段,线索加工和动作准备相关的脑电成分均不能调节应激反应,但结果预期和反馈加工阶段的脑电成分对应激反应有显著的作用。对于交感神经系统反应而言,反馈加工早期阶段的脑电指标P2/FRN可以更显著地调节应激后心率的升高;对于HPA轴反应而言,奖赏后FRN振幅越小,应激下的皮质醇分泌量越少;对于绩效表现,与任务动机高相关的奖惩刺激后P3振幅越大,个体在演讲任务中的表现越好。 研究四主要探究强化敏感性对生活应激反应个体差异的作用。个体连续16天报告了每日经历的应激事件和情绪体验。采用多层线性模型分析生活应激对情绪反应的影响程度,并将时间滞后效应纳入模型以考察生活应激的恢复情况。结果发现,奖赏敏感性可以显著调节个体经历应激后的反应和恢复程度,低奖赏敏感性者,生活应激对负性情绪反应的影响越大,次日恢复情况更差。且与研究一相一致,以上作用均独立于神经质和外倾性。但惩罚敏感性对生活应激的反应和恢复没有调节作用。 研究五、六旨在进一步考察金钱和社会奖惩信息的认知加工过程对生活应激反应的作用差异及其机制。结果表明,对金钱奖惩刺激的加工无法调节生活应激反应,而社会奖惩加工显著调节了生活应激反应,表现为在反馈加工阶段惩罚后FRN振幅越小,应激对负性情绪反应的影响越强。 综上,本研究从人格特质和认知加工的角度证实了强化敏感性及奖惩加工对应激反应个体间差异的作用,发现相比于惩罚敏感性和惩罚加工相关的认知过程,奖赏敏感性及奖赏加工过程对实验室和生活应激反应具有更为一致和突出的调节作用,即高奖赏敏感性及反馈加工阶段FRN所反映出的对奖赏的积极预期,能够缓冲应激下的HPA轴和负性情绪反应。此外研究还揭示强化敏感性对应激反应的作用独立于其他人格特质。这些发现为应激易感性的形成机制提供了研究证据,同时为临床筛查应激易感人群提供了实证参考。
GB/T 7714
王霈珊. 应激反应的个体差异一一强化敏感性及奖惩加工的作用[D]. 中国科学院心理研究所. 中国科学院大学. 2023.

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