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关键词氧氨氧化 活性 湿地生态系统 热区 表层沉积物 /土壤 深层土壤 anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) activity wetland ecosystem hotspot surface sediment/soil deep soil
其他题名The Large-scale Occurrence, Distribution and Hotspots of Anammox in Wetland Ecosystems
中文摘要      作为新型氮循环过程,厌氧氨氧化已经成为氮循环领域的国际研究亮点。厌氧氨氧化在自然生态系统中的研究主要集中在海洋生态系统,目前已探明海洋中存在规模性并具全球效应的厌氧氨氧化反应,在全球海洋生态系统的氮损失中贡献率高达 50  %。但是在陆地生态系统,特别是淡水生态系统,厌氧氨氧化在氮循环中的作用尚不明确。
      湿地,特别是湿地的两相界面如水 -土壤界面、水-沉积物界面以及地表-地下水界面,由于存在交替的好氧、厌氧环境,很有可能发生规模性的厌氧氨氧化反应,因为厌氧氨氧化反应需要氧化态氮( NOx-)和还原态氮(NH4+)的共存。故本研究以中国典型淡水湿地为研究对象,利用包括定量   PCR、克隆文库构建在内的分子生物学技术与 15N同位素示踪技术相结合,在水平与垂直两个尺度上研究湿地系统规模性厌氧氨氧化反应的发生、分布与热区,以探讨湿地生态系统中厌氧氨氧化反应对氮损失的影响。
      基于中国 7种不同湿地类型(湖泊、河流、泥炭、沼泽、水库、稻田和人工湿地)35个湿地的  208个表层沉积物/土壤样品,本研究对水平尺度不同界面(水-土壤界面、水-沉积物界面)的厌氧氨氧化进行研究,发现厌氧氨氧化在湿地生态系统广泛存在并具有规模性效应,而旱地表层土壤中并未检测到规模性厌氧氨氧化的发生。
     厌氧氨氧化活性在不同湿地类型中具有很强的异质性,并具有各自的生物地理学特征。其中湖泊岸边带作为水  -土壤界面具有很高的厌氧氨氧化反应活性(348.1 – 719.6 μmol  N m-2 h-1,四分位范围,n = 20),并且在氮损失中贡献了32.7 –  52.0 %(四分位范围,n  = 20),显著高于其他类型湿地,是厌氧氨氧化反应的热区。这是由于湖泊垂向的水位波动加强了各种氮化合物在水和岸边带之间的交换,这个结果在嘉兴石臼漾湿地和小型人工湿地得到进一步验证。全国湿地表层沉积物/土壤中厌氧氨氧化活性在 1.0 – 1303.5 μmol N m-2 h-1之间,对氮损失的贡献在 0.9 – 82.2 %之间。结合我国各类型湿地面积估算湿地生态系统中厌氧氨氧化反应对氮损失的贡献为 1.51 Tg N yr-1,相当于总氮损失的 15.0 %,说明厌氧氨氧化在湿地生态系统中对氮损失有很大贡献。
     另外,本研究在垂向尺度上对北运河岸边带深层土壤剖面中厌氧氨氧化的发生、分布与热区进行了研究,发现在潜流区(8 – 16 m,地表水与地下水相互作用的活性区域)厌氧氨氧化细菌的丰度(9.0 × 105 – 1.3 × 106 copies g-1 dry weight soil)和活性(35.2 – 111.0 μmol N m-2 h-1)都出现高峰,并且存在最高值,厌氧氨氧化对氮损失的贡献率高达 41.8 – 67.6 %。通过厌氧氨氧化反应造成的氮损失估计为 71.5 g N m-2 yr-1,占总氮损失大约 59.1 %。结果说明北运河岸边带深层土壤中的地表水-地下水界面是厌氧氨氧化反应的热区。对其他深层土壤中厌氧氨氧化细菌丰度垂向分布的研究表明,地表水 -地下水交界面存在着较高的厌氧氨氧化细菌丰度。
      研究结果将促进氮循环过程理论体系的修正和完善,为  N2O释放通量的重新计算提供理论基础,为水体中地表水和地下水氮的去除提供借鉴。
英文摘要      As  a   newly  found  nitrogen   cycle  process,   anaerobic  ammonium   oxidation (anammox) has  become the highlight  of the international  research on nitrogen  cycle.The  present researches  on  anammox in  natural  environments mainly  center  on  the marine ecosystem. Large-scale anammox  with global effect was found in marine,  and it was estimated  that anammox contributed  up to 50  % of the total  N loss in  marine. However, the  role of anammox  on nitrogen cycle  in terrestrial ecosystem,  especially the freshwater ecosystem is not well known.
      According  to  the  features  of the  anammox  substrates  that  there  need  be  the coexistence  of oxidized  (NOx-)  and reduced  (NH4+)  nitrogen, large-scale  anammox may  occur  in wetlands,  especially  at  the  water-soil  interfaces,  the  water-sediment interfaces  and the  surface water-groundwater  interfaces  of wetlands  because  of the alternate aerobic  and anaerobic environments. So  this paper took  the typical Chinese wetlands  as  research  objects,  studied  the  large-scale   occurrence,  distribution  and hotspot of anammox on the horizontal and  vertical scale in wetlands to investigate the contribution of  anammox  to N  loss in  wetland  ecosystem, using  molecular biology techniques such as quantitative PCR  (qPCR) and the clone library, combined with the 15N isotope labeling technique.
      Based on  the 208 surface  sediment/soil samples from  35 wetlands of  7 wetland types  (lake, river,  peat  land,  swamp,  reservoir, paddy  and  constructed  wetland) in China, we  studied the anammox  at different  interfaces (water-soil  interfaces and the water-sediment  interfaces)  on  the  horizontal  scale.  We  found  that  anammox  was widespread in  wetlands  with large-scale  effect.  However, there  were no  large-scale anammox observed in surface upland soils.
      Anammox activities  in different wetland  types were distinct  greatly with  each other  and   had  their  own  biogeographical   features.  Lake   littoral  zones,  as   the water-soil interfaces,  had high  anammox activities  (348.1 –  719.6 μmol N  m-2 h-1,IQR, n =  20) and contributions to N  loss (32.7 – 52.0 %,  IQR, n = 20),  which were significantly  higher  than   other  wetland  types.   So  lake  littoral   zones  were  the hotspots of anammox.  The reason was that the  water level fluctuation of a  lake was vertical  and thus  enhanced the  exchange  of various  nitrogen  compounds between water and  littoral  zone. This  result was  further  proved in  the Shijiuyang  wetland, Jiaxing and  a bench-scale  constructed wetland.  The anammox  activities in  various surface wetland sediments had  a wide range from 1.0 to  1303.5 μmol N m-2 h-1, and the contribution to  N loss was from  0.9 to 82.2 %.  Combined with the area  of each wetland  type   in  China,   the  N   loss  caused  by   anammox  in   Chinese  wetland ecosystem was estimated to 1.51 Tg N yr-1, which  was 15.0 % of the total N loss. So anammox had a significant contribution to the N loss in wetland ecosystem.
      In  addition,  this  paper   studied  the  occurrence,  distribution  and  hotspot   of anammox in  the deep  soil profile  of the  North Canal  riparian zone  on the  vertical scale, and found that peak zones of anammox  bacterial abundance (9.0 × 105 – 1.3 × 106 copies  g-1  dry weight  soil) and  activity  (9.0 ×  105 –  1.3  × 106  copies g-1  dry weight soil) and the highest values all  appeared in the hyporheic zone (8 – 16 m, the active  ecotone between  the  surface  water  and  groundwater). The  contribution  of anammox to N  loss in this  zone was up to  41.8 – 67.6 %,  and about 71.5  g m-2 yr-1 nitrogen was  lost through  anammox which  was 59.1  % of the  total N  loss. So  the surface water-groundwater  interface  of North  Canal riparian  zone soil  profile was the anammox  hotspot.  The study  on anammox  in  other deep  soil profiles  showed that  anammox  bacterial  abundances  were  high  at the  surface  water-groundwater interfaces.
      The  above   results  indicated  that   large-scale  anammox  often   existed  at  the interface of two phases  in terrestrial ecosystem, for example, the  water-soil interfaces and   the   water-sediment   interfaces    on   the   horizontal   scale,   and   the    surface water-groundwater interfaces on the vertical scale.
      The  results  will revise  and  improve  the  theoretical system  of  nitrogen  cycle,provide the  theoretical basis  for the  recalculation of N2O  flux, and  set examples  for the removal of nitrogen from surface water and groundwater.
GB/T 7714
周磊榴. 湿地系统规模性厌氧氨氧化反应的发生、分布与热区[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院. 2014.

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