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导师王飞跃 ; 曾大军
关键词复杂网络 演化特征 SARS 开源软件 Tag Complex network Evolutionary characteristic SARS Open-source software Tag
其他题名Analyzing Dynamic Evolutionary Characteristics of Social-Technological Systems Based on Complex Networks
中文摘要现实世界中的复杂系统并非静止不变,它们的演化无时无刻不在进行。对这些系统的动态演化特征进行研究可以帮助我们建立有效的演化模型,实现人工系统,并基于人工系统进行计算实验。同时,通过真实系统与人工系统的相互作用,来完成对真实系统的控制与管理,以及对相关行为和决策的实验与评估。而上述目标的实现必须首先从一些特定的真实系统着手,对这些系统的形成的原因、结构特征和演化规律及其相关影响因素进行深入分析,比较这些系统之间的差异性,总结它们的共同之处,然后,从中提炼出更为一般的理论和方法,以帮助我们认识其他相关系统。基于此,本文利用复杂网络理论,选取传染病、开源软件及社会标签等三种新兴社会技术系统为研究案例,对这些系统的结构特征及演化机制进行分析,论文的主要工作如下: 1)在对传染病进行研究时,选取2003年的北京SARS为研究对象,建立了多种不同类型的网络,从不同的角度分析了SARS传播模式和演化特征。由于部分实际SARS传染关系数据缺失,而这些缺失数据对分析网络的演化特征也有着重要的价值,本文尝试了多种预测模型对缺失传染关系进行了预测。基于这些预测的传染关系建立了SARS传播网络,通过该网络对SARS的传播特征进行了深入研究,并根据实证分析的结果,对SARS传播过程进行建模并对其进行了数学解析。 2)在对开源软件系统进行研究时,选取Gentoo Linux为研究对象,根据Gentoo Linux开源操作系统中各软件包之间的依赖关系构建了Gentoo网,并对Gentoo网的演化特征进行了实证分析。在对Gentoo网进行建模时,尝试了很多现有的网络演化模型,但它们均不能够很好地解释Gentoo网真实的结构特征,论文基于两种经典的网络演化模型,提出了两种新的网络演化模型。通过大量的仿真实验结果的比较分析,新模型能够较好地解释Gentoo网的演化特征,它们揭示了Gentoo Linux中各软件包随时间演化的关系:许多软件包会选择那些“年轻”且功能强大的软件包作为依赖对象,但随着时间的推移,这些关系会逐渐发生变化。论文还对模型进行了数学解析,并给出了模型的一些基本的性质以及相关证明过程。 3)在对社会标签系统进行研究时,论文主要关注国际著名的社会标签系统网站。通过对Del.icio.us中Tag、URL分布以及用户关系网络的宏观统计特征分析,发现Del.icio.us用户所使用的Tag数与他们所贡献的网络资源相关,用户的粉丝数与其偶像数也有关联。用户行为的演化特征研究结果表明,用户在不同的时间段所表现出的行为存在着较大差异,他们在加入网站的开始阶段热情一般较高,之后便逐渐减弱。论文还建立了三种加权Tag网络,对加权Tag网络的结构特征及演化机制进行了研究,研究发现Del.icio.us用户在整个Tag使用过程既有相似之处,但又存在着明显的差别,在加权Tag网络中,节点之间进行连接的概率不但依赖于节点的强度,而且与节点的年龄有很大的相关性。基于上述实证分析结果,论文还给出了加权Tag网络的演化模型。 传染病、开源软件以及社会标签系统虽类型各不相同,但它们抽象而成的网络,其结构和演化行为却有着很多的相似...
英文摘要All of real-world complex systems are not static but dynamic.Researching on the dynamic evolutionary characteristics of these systems can help us to construct some effective evolution models and further to create some corresponding artificial systems. Based on these artificial systems, we can conduct a large amount of computational experiments. Furthermore, the interactions between artificial systems and real systems can evaluate these experimental results. This work can potentially facilitate us control and manage those real-world complex systems in a wide variety of fields. However, the achievement of these goals should be done firstly by selecting many significant but specific real-world systems, and meaningful understanding regarding the formation and the evolutionary mechanisms of these systems. By comparing the differences of these systems and concluding their common places, we can extract more general theories and methodologies and then apply those into other similar systems. As such,this dissertation selects three emerging social-technical systems including infectious diseases, open source software and social tagging systems respectively. By extensively collecting related data and constructing a large number of corresponding networks based on complex network theory, some significant dynamic evolutionary characteristics of these three systems are found. The main work of this dissertation as follows: 1) More frequent emerging infectious diseases recently have prompted a world-wide response and have had a dramatic impact on many countries. From a research perspective, significant efforts from both public health and related fields including but not limited to various subareas of informatics and computer-based modeling, have been devoted to studying the evolution and transmission patterns of those infectious diseases for future prevention and treatment purpose. This dissertation selects Beijing SARS outbreak in 2003 as a study case and analyzing its dynamic evolutionary characteristics by constructing several different kinds of networks from different perspectives based on real-world SARS infection data. In the original data, some bridge links may be missing.These links could provide more potential useful information to analyze the transmission patterns of the epidemic. Therefore, this dissertation continue to investigates some statistical prediction models to address this problem. After these predicted bridge links adding into the SARS trans...
GB/T 7714
郑晓龙. 基于复杂网络的社会技术系统动态演化特征研究[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院研究生院. 2009.

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