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关键词运动目标检测 目标跟踪 马尔科夫随机场 粒子滤波 流形学习 运动模糊 moving object detection object tracking Markov Random Field particle filter manifold learning motion blur
其他题名Object Detection and Tracking in Complex Scenes
中文摘要运动目标检测和目标跟踪是计算机视觉领域的两个重要研究问题,在视频监控、人机交互、智能交通和运动分析等都有广泛的应用和商业价值。虽然经过人们多年的研究,目标检测和跟踪技术已有了长足的发展,但是要实现复杂场景下鲁棒的目标检测和跟踪依然还有很多问题需要解决。 本文以复杂场景下的运动目标检测和目标跟踪做为研究对象,针对复杂场景存在的光照变化、杂乱背景、复杂运动等诸多难点问题进行了深入研究,在复杂场景建模、目标的表观模型、跟踪的搜索策略以及严重模糊视频中的跟踪等方面取得了一些成果,论文的主要工作和贡献如下: 1 为了提高复杂动态场景下基于场景建模的运动目标检测方法的性能,我们提出了一种基于最大后验概率-马尔科夫随机场的在线非监督的前景提取算法,将前景提取问题看成是像素的分类问题,并最终转化成能量优化问题。在这个优化问题中,我们融合了颜色、位置、时间连续性和空间一致性四种特征信息来提高算法的准确率和鲁棒性。在基于这几种特征来学习前景和背景像素的概率分布时,我们提出了一系列新的非监督的在线学习方式,从而能更有效的判断像素的类别。优化问题的求解是通过最大流算法完成的,这样可以保证求解结果是全局最优的。实验证明,该算法能有效避免前景提取结果中的噪声和空洞,抵抗动态背景干扰的能力大大加强。 2 借鉴交互式分割这种半监督算法,我们提出了基于两阶段优化方法的运动前景提取算法,该方法首先基于颜色和运动信息提取部分可靠的前景和背景像素点,然后根据这些可靠像素点的信息得到前景提取的可靠约束,在最大后验概率-马尔科夫随机场框架下,基于交互式图割算法得到了非常精确的运动前景。该方法吸取了多级过滤方式和弱监督学习算法的优点,能够显著提高算法在复杂场景中的精度和鲁棒性。 3 为了提高跟踪算法在处理复杂场景中如光照突变、姿态变化、杂乱背景以及复杂运动等难题的性能,我们从表观模型和跟踪策略两方面展开研究,提出了一种基于局部表观流形学习和新的SSIR粒子滤波器的跟踪算法。在表观模型方面,我们将原始高维表观数据转换到低维流形空间进行建模,提出了基于在线局部结构化流形学习的方式来描述目标的表观。这种建模方式不仅提供了一种对物体的整体描述,而且更对表观数据在低维流形空间中的分布赋予了局部结构的概念,可以处理高度非线性的数据,并学习得到更鲁棒的表观模型。 在跟踪策略方面,我们改善了传统的SIR粒子滤波器在生成粒子过程中的一些缺陷,提出了一种新的SSIR粒子滤波器。基于新的SSIR粒子滤波器,生成的粒子将更加集中于目标最有可能的状态周围,这样最终估计得到的目标状态将更加精确,目标的漂移问题也可以得到缓解。 4 针对复杂场景下视频中存在严重模糊的情况,或者视频是由低速廉价摄像头拍摄的低质量视频,我们提出了一种新的基于粒子滤波框架数据驱动的跟踪算法。算法首先对输入图像做傅立叶分析并提取频域特征,检测图像是否存在模糊,然后基于检测结果进行相应的处理,这样可以提高效率。对于图像中存在模糊的情况,目标的表观模型融入了一系...
英文摘要Moving object detection and tracking are the two fundamental problems in computer vision. They have broad application prospects in video surveillance, human-computer interface, intelligent transportation and motion analysis, etc. Although with the efforts on the research for many years, the technology of moving object detection and tracking has made great progress, there are still lots of problems to achieve robust moving object detection and tracking in complex scenes. In this thesis, we study the moving object detection and tracking in complex scenes and focus on to solve the problems of illumination changes, cluttered background, complex motion, etc. We have made progress in complex scene modeling, appearance modeling, tracking strategy and severe blurred object tracking. The main contributions of this thesis include the following issues: 1 We propose an online and unsupervised foreground segmentation algorithm in the maximum a posterior-Markov random field framework to improve the performance of background modeling based moving object detection in complex scenes. In this framework, the foreground segmentation problem can be considered as a labeling problem, then it is converted to be an energy minimization problem. Color, locality, temporal coherence and spatial consistency are fused together to improve the accuracy and robustness. We also propose new online and unsupervised learning techniques to learn the distributions of background and foreground pixels based on these features. The energy minimization problem is solved by the max-flow algorithm, which guarantees the result is global optimal. The experiments also demonstrate that our method can reduce the noise and holes in the foreground segmentation result. And the robustness of the algorithm in dynamic scenes is also promoted. 2 Inspired by the semi-supervised interactive segmentation algorithm, we propose a two-stage optimization for the foreground segmentation. First reliable foreground and background pixels are extracted by using the color and motion information. These pixels can provide reliable constraints for the next stage of foreground extraction. In the maximum a posterior-Markov random field framework, accurate foreground region are extracted by using the interactive graph cut algorithm. Our method absorbs the advantages of multi-stage filtering and the weakly learning algorithm, thus the accuracy and robustness are promoted dramatically. 3 To solve the problems o...
GB/T 7714
丁建伟. 复杂场景中的目标检测与跟踪研究[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院大学. 2012.

入库方式: OAI收割


